Thank you for considering MindSpark-Education Management Consultants to support the continued improvement of your School’s operations and leadership. We’re confident that MIndSpark - EMC combined experience with independent school operation, improvement, and evaluation (along with short- and long-term improvement plans) will broaden the capacity of your school and its sustainable operation. We’re ideally positioned to carry out the comprehensive 360 degree evaluation to assess your school’s performance, covering governance, administration, academic, financial, operations, and our detailed summative school improvement report with a comprehensive set of strategies and supporting action plans for your Board and Administration to lead your school’s ongoing improvement.
Our evaluation process identifies areas needing organizational improvement to support school revitalization and sustainability. To establish a clear picture of your school’s performance against established benchmarks, and to determine areas of priority that your school needs to focus on, we’ll implement a four-pronged approach to assess your school’s current situation and gather measurable data, focusing primarily on:
Our thoughtful evaluation process provides your Board of Trustees with a concise set of strategies and actions to guide your school’s leadership with the ongoing development of your institution, identifying areas needing short- and long-term improvement. Our evaluation process focuses on the following critical benchmarks for effective school performance:
Our Approach
We will structure our comprehensive evaluation process into six parts applying our in-depth background with starting, leading, and managing independent schools world-wide. After our online surveys and on-site focus group sessions are completed, we will follow up with a Summary Report and Action Plan that provides a range of recommendations and action plans to improve your school. The Summary Report and Action Plans prioritize critical issues you need to improve upon, as well as the "indicators of success" to move towards in the continued improvement of your school. Our methodology focuses on a “SWOT” analysis identifying your:
Our methodology utilizes a four-step approach based on analyzing key performance benchmarks of your school, which involves evaluation of relevant school data, onsite focus groups, 360 degree survey process to gauge school performance and stakeholder perception, in-depth discussions with your trustees, and then four weeks to develop and deliver the Summary Report and Action Plan for school improvement.
Our approach will:
The final report prioritizes steps for improvement, reviewing the following benchmarks: